An SSH client allows you to connect to a remote computer running an SSH server.
1. Windows
The most popular and widely recommended solution for connecting to SSH
servers is an open source, third-party application called PuTTY.
But now with windows 10 latest version SSH is built in feature .
You can download latest version of putty
here , and install and open putty.
Type the host name or IP address of the SSH server into the “Host name (or IP address)” box. And port no box is where you give port no of your server like 22 i.e, default or 2283 , 3328 . After filling hostname or server IP and port no click OPEN . You’ll see a security alert the first time you try to connect to a
server. This tells you that you haven’t previously connected to this
server. That’s expected, so click “OK” to continue. Then putty terminal will open and ask for username and password for you SSH account on server , after you do you are connected to your server. And just close the terminal to end the SSH session .
If you are using windows 10 updated version . Just press windows key and R then type cmd , it will open command terminal for you then type
- $ ssh username@ip-address OR $ ssh username@domain-name
If you there us different port no for your server use -p flag for ssh connection , Make sure you entered the correct port no with no space.
- $ ssh username@ip-address -p2283 OR $ ssh username@domain-name -p2283
Then press enter , it will ask for the password for the username you entered , simply enter the password of the user and you are connected to the server with user. For closing the SSH connection simply close the terminal or press Ctrl+D .
2. Mac OS and Linux
Unix based operating system has built in ssh command . To connect to the SSH server first open the terminal , press windows key and search for Terminal by typing Terminal . Once Terminal is open type
- $ ssh username@ip-address or $ ssh username@domain-name
If your server is using different different port no , use -p flag followed by port no.
- $ ssh username@ip-address -p2283 $ ssh username@domain-name -p2283
You’ll see a message asking you to confirm the identity of the server
the first time you connect. If this is actually the first time you
connected to the server, this is normal and you can type “yes” to
continue. For closing the SSH connection , simply close the terminal.
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